the curtain program is inspired by the work of Vera Molnár and...
the dividune program is based on the dune program. it combines 2d...
the dune program begins with a series of black concentric circles as a background...
the f(x, y) program takes a 3d function as input and maps...
genuary is a month long event each year in which generative artists...
the gouge program utilizes a 2d noise function to "cut out" parts...
the lattice program utilizes a Perlin noise function to determine the "waviness"...
the microterraces program takes a 3d function and maps that function using...
the noiseless program utilizes what Piter Pasma calls a “wobbly function,” a...
the partition program utilizes two color layers of line segments determined by a 2d...
the recursive rectangle program starts by randomly and recursively subdividing each rectangle into...
the recursive triangle program starts by randomly and recursively subdividing each triangle into...
this collection includes one-off plots that are not a part of any...
the skydune program is based on the dune program. the lines are determined by...
the tri tile program begins with a triangular tile at the center...